Can FitBoard host documents related to our board meetings?
The objective of FitBoard is to facilitate self-coaching built on answers to questions specifically designed to guide high quality boards. We aim to do this and do it well. The current board portal market sees many providers who have designed their platforms with the sole purpose of storing and sharing meeting documentation in a safe and secure manner. We understand both objectives go hand in hand, which is why we have built FitBoard with the ability to integrate with existing board portals that you may already use. This will allow us to focus on developing features to optimise our objective, and you will continue to be able to use the tools that you have already become accustomed to alongside FitBoard. Of course, the same is true for the way that you manage the board’s calendar, which we plan to eventually integrate seamlessly with.

Can I change the questions asked in the baseline and pulsechecks?
The questions that are currently programmed into FitBoard have been carefully reviewed and selected after extensive design thinking processes by experts who have more than 30 years of experience in coaching boards. These questions are agnostic of industry and demographics however we appreciate that your board may still want to customise the scope to better suit your needs. This is possible and can be done by purchasing a customisable package of FitBoard. 

Is my data secure?
For the beta version of the app, all data is stored on a single virtual server, the keys to which are only accessible to our two back-end developers. Within the server, the data is stored in a MySQL database and encrypted so that, although the back-end developers have access to the data, they cannot check it. Imagine an encrypted message locked in a box. The developers have the key to the box, but they do not have the code to decrypt the message. Once we go live in product, encryption at rest will be implemented in line with expectations of enterprise grade software.  

What do I do with the results of the baseline and the pulsechecks?
We suggest that – as you complete any of these self-reflection tools embedded in FitBoard – you take notes to self for which we provide you with functionality in-app. Are there any further questions, action points or feedback that you need to provide to the Chair or your colleagues? Use these tools for the real-time validation and improvement of your board’s work. Our experience indicates that “little & often” is easier to act upon to change human behaviour that the once a year scorecard of a fuller board review. Once the reports with all individual results are published, use these to help your board identify the key areas for your ongoing fitness plan. 

Do I have access to my data offline? 
The app is web-based for the moment, so an internet connection is required to log in. You can export your responses, both ranking and full text notes to self for offline reading and audit purposes. These are only accessible to you personally. The FitBoard administrator for your board is only able to see scores, and that without tracing the individuals who gave them. Once results are published all board directors will be able to see reports with all scores. Of course, we encourage you to share your perspective as openly as possible. But have programmed the app so that you are the only one in control of your data. 

How can I use FitBoard to engage individuals who are not legally on the board? 
The current beta version of the app does not accommodate for this yet. We are aware that some of our beta testers would like family business shareholders, employees, or other stakeholders to participate in the life of the board. Given the challenges posed by covid-19, we are also very keen to accelerate the process by which we help you ignite all the collective intelligence at your disposal so that you can adapt fast. We have produced a short e-learning module to help boards use virtual conferencing techniques to achieve that without compromising their supervisory mandate or potential role conflict.

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